Last Christmas, you may remember, Barbara Walters got all up in arms because she thought President George Bush had sent her a "religious" Christmas card -- when he should have displayed more political correctness with a typical "Holiday" greeting.
Never mind that the expression is hollow, meaningless and disrespectful of a historically celebrated tradition. Walters thinks the majority should bend over backwards to a perceived minority who might somehow be offended by a customary and established observance.
Except for the irrelevant "Holiday Tree" in the White House window, there's nothing else that embodies the spirit of Christmas, the birth of Jesus, or would give cause for celebration.
If you witnessed Bush on his recent trip to Israel literally holding hands with the Zionist leaders while grasping the Talmud, it's clearly evident his "God" is not the entity the majority of the world reveres.
Since Bushitler is also a self proclaimed Skull & Bones clansman, the Saviour he worships is more likely represented by a dark, demonic deity.