This year alone, Canada has lost over 200,000 jobs, largely due to the adverse effects of NAFTA or the North American Free Trade Agreement. It's been the principal mechanism for enabling U.S. corporations to destroy Canada's social, political, and economic independence from the Bush administration’s political-military-industrial complex. The Liberal and Conservative governments were both instrumental in supporting and advancing this so-called "free trade".
There was much uncertainty within the Canadian public and the media regarding why a federal election was called before the end of Harper’s mandate, especially when he broke his own regulation on early elections. It was clearly evident to all but the political comatose that the main reason was simply to retain power for another five years before the economy as well as his popularity inevitably worsened. He obviously got a call from his handlers informing him of the impending crash and the economic chaos it would result in.
Naturally, before and during the election campaign, everything was coming up roses in the eyes of Harper and his quislings. Canadians had a "sound dollar" and "good monetary conditions" thanks to the competent fiscal policy of the Conservatives.
I guess the government’s crystal ball must have had a foggy spell because now all you hear from them is talk of "recession", "emergency plans" and "deficit spending". The Finance Minister even foretells of precisely what year this economic downturn will end and what it’s going to cost. Harper made the statement that we could be in worse shape then the Great Depression. How quickly a nation's fortunes can change!
Nothing has changed in the underworld of Stephen Harper since 1997 when he made a statement that demonstrates the disdain and total disregard he holds for the average Canadian. Speaking to an elitist crowd at The Council for National Policy he remarked, "If you're like all Americans, you know almost nothing except for your own country… which makes you probably knowledgeable about one more country than most Canadians".
If we lacked intellect about anything, it surely was how badly the Commandant and his gang of racketeers would malign and mismanage the nation’s affairs.
A call from President Bush was all that was needed to take Canada into an illegal war that has cost thousands of lives and the destruction of a people’s homeland. For those who voted for Harper and his pack of lick spittles, remember that when the next “fallen” (read: “murdered”) Canadian soldier comes home draped in a flag, it was your X that helped put him there.
The only thing worse than having to listen to the ominous and mournful sound of the bagpipes is Harper’s disingenuous homage he pays the dead soldiers for their "sacrifice".
Seeing as Afghanistan never threatened Canada or the US for that matter -- and the illegal invasion of the country was built on lies and treachery by the Bush administration -- just what “sacrifice” do you think he might be referring to? Would it be for the interests of the global plutocrats whom he serves, or the arms industry who profit immensely from warfare and death?
Maybe Harper was alluding to the poppy production in Afghanistan which has increased 80% since the invasion five years ago and continues unabated. If you thought we went there with the plan to eradicate the crops, better think again. The UN reports that production increased by 300 tonnes in one year with Afghanistan now supplying over 90% of the world's heroin market.
If you connect the dots between the Bush administration, the military complex, the Afghan puppet regime and the pharmaceutical cartels, it's painfully obvious that it’s not a group of rebels or the lowly farmers raking in the billions from the sale of this illegal narcotic. It gives a whole new meaning to the term, "War on Drugs".
"Lest we forget" how Harper conspired with the Bush regime to needlessly sacrifice the lives of Canadians, Americans and Afghans -- under the pretense of rebuilding a foreign nation and fighting terrorism. The witless, corporate-controlled media have long forgotten about the thousands of innocent civilians killed or injured in this devastating war.
Nor should Canadians forget about Harper’s premeditated and vicious assault on citizens invested in income trusts. Harper started his election campaign with the promise he'd never allow retirement funds to be raided by taxing income trusts. He knew well in advance of his promise what the Telus and Bell syndicates were up to but lied shamelessly and desperately for your vote. How can a man who so vehemently took the Liberals to task for their underhanded ploy, commit the same indecency and then try and tell Canadians his actions are different? How stupid does this corrupt Neo-Con think Canadians are?
NEW WORLD ORDER [aka: Global Economy]
Just as Bush does, Harper enjoys an unholy alliance with Israel’s Zionist faction. While the Israeli government continues its siege on the Palestinians, continually breaking the rules and displaying total disregard for the Geneva convention, Harper kowtows to Israel, siding with them at every opportunity. It should be clear to all who have read the other articles posted here, who is really pulling the strings of puppets like Harper and Bush.